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Старый 17.11.2024, 18:14 Печаль Spoil Bugs
Newbie 0 Lv.
Аватар для Velkan
Регистрация: 15.07.2024
Сообщений: 7
Сказал(а) спасибо: 0
Поблагодарили 1 раз в 1 сообщении
Dear Sirs,

I have found that on this server is few spoil bugs. For instance I have tried spoil TM Hvy recipe. On drop calculator ( this recipe can be spoiled from Mul's Knight (67), but in game in this mob spoil list TM hvy recipe isn't there. I have seen other things like that too.

So my question is - I can spoil this recipe from this mob in game (just it is not on this list) or this item was truly removed as spoil from the game?

Thank you.
Velkan вне форума  

Старый 17.11.2024, 19:20 По умолчанию
Knight 35 Lv.
Аватар для PEJI
Регистрация: 26.12.2013
Сообщений: 319
Сказал(а) спасибо: 73
Поблагодарили 7 раз(а) в 7 сообщениях
Сообщение от Velkan Посмотреть сообщение
Dear Sirs,

I have found that on this server is few spoil bugs. For instance I have tried spoil TM Hvy recipe. On drop calculator ( this recipe can be spoiled from Mul's Knight (67), but in game in this mob spoil list TM hvy recipe isn't there. I have seen other things like that too.

So my question is - I can spoil this recipe from this mob in game (just it is not on this list) or this item was truly removed as spoil from the game?

Thank you.
There is no spoiler for Tullum Heavy recipes on Interlude
Only quest or drop of the whole item
PEJI вне форума  

Старый 17.11.2024, 19:28 По умолчанию
Newbie 0 Lv.
Аватар для Velkan
Регистрация: 15.07.2024
Сообщений: 7
Сказал(а) спасибо: 0
Поблагодарили 1 раз в 1 сообщении
Сообщение от PEJI Посмотреть сообщение
There is no spoiler for Tullum Heavy recipes on Interlude
Only quest or drop of the whole item
OK thank you for info :)
Velkan вне форума  
Пользователь сказал cпасибо:
PEJI (17.11.2024)


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