Сообщение от CzYku
I welcome for very beginning let to manifest itself Admin and will translate the conversation (ENG-RUSSIA)! Children aren't writing > "and so I don't know whether you don't understand whether you are daft whether has) sz of friends which here are playing and to the bank they are playing because one can see it! Do wreście what people ask for and you aren't removing posta apparently you have znajomsci on this servier a lot of people I will thank for the server: do RB PvP ZONE FUCK under everyone!!!! Correct class base (bugged the 100% but have video 3 ppl he class bassed haha) and this way was destined for files off in the ass probably! Do what I ask for sory they for manifesting itself but differently no longer will give treat lightly of people.! Mend it and they to the truth better will be playing and a lot of people he will stay or else as not it we will thank (RetardTeam)
ни в коем случае не делайте пвп зоны вокруг рб, а то будет всего 1-2 топ клана их фармить, все остальные в пролете окажутся. получится серв односайдовый как всегда, что приводит к негативным последствиям