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Старый 12.07.2012, 20:16 По умолчанию The server needs very much!
Newbie 5 Lv.
Аватар для LaRu
Регистрация: 23.08.2011
Сообщений: 14
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Поблагодарили 8 раз(а) в 3 сообщениях
The server needs very much!
1. Add Spawn Protection
2. Fix Skill: Cancel a low cast, chance its 100% is a fail for server pvp
3. Number of max 24 buffs to balance the server at the moment only Archer and dager the top
4. Reduce time of necro debuffs, overlord, and the rest of the class
5.Add npc to enchant skill in all giran harbor
6.Add npc to symbol marker in all giran harbor
7.Up buff to 2 hour , because need for siege and epic antharas and valakas frintezza more time in buff
LaRu вне форума  
Пользователь сказал cпасибо:
blister (12.07.2012)


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