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Старый 11.01.2018, 01:31 По умолчанию WTF is this shi.t with drop from RB
Vassal 10 Lv.
Аватар для Donowanka
Регистрация: 30.12.2017
Возраст: 34
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Поблагодарили 17 раз(а) в 7 сообщениях
Today's ember.
PvP fight etc
restore for ember
We won PvP killing ember dropped soem stuff and we can not pick up
1 guy log in run to ember and he took drop WTF..
tell me that You can relogin and after this take drop
GM any reply?

P.S tody's queen ant: I hope it was just unlucky for Us that when we use SOE for re buff AQ spawned...
Donowanka вне форума  


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