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Старый 02.11.2013, 01:49 По умолчанию Книга для Spellhowler
Newbie 5 Lv.
Аватар для Gromph
Регистрация: 02.11.2013
Сообщений: 13
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Spellbooks Spellhowler

Spellbook: Curse Fear
Spellbook: Silence

Enchanted Iron Golem 43

Моб стоит в яме под Ивори Товер. Телепорт от Орена.
После телепорта перебегаете по мосту на любую сторону и бежите по кругу ища спуск. Можно просто спрыгнуть.
В яме ДВА вида големов. Ваш тот который 43 лвл.

Spellbook: Vampiric Claw
Spellbook: Surrender To Wind

Enchanted Gargoyle (44) Passive 1/124

там же. То же два вида. Ваш 44 лвл.

Spellbook: Hurricane
Liele (46)

Телепортируетесь из Hunrers Village в СЕВЕРНУЮ часть Enchanted Valley.
Сбегаете вниз, видипе пару мобов. Они социальны.
У Liele мощный резист к воде.

Spellbook: Shadow Flare
Nightmare Guide (43) Passive 1/357

Моб стоит в Tanor Canyon. Телепорт из Диона.
Nightmare Guide миньйон в кучке мобов. Все мобы 1\2 по ХП.
Убиваются с одного нюка.

Spellbook: Death Spike
Unicorn (49) Passive 1 1.24%
Телепортируетесь из Hunrers Village в СЕВЕРНУЮ часть Enchanted Valley.
Бежите все время поворачивая на развилках НАЛЕВО. Пробегаете духов, сатиров, деревья. В конце поляна с Unicorn'ами
Мобы х3 к НР.

Spellbook: Tempest
Satyr Elder (54) Satyr Passive
Моб расположен на втором этаже (уровне) Enchanted Valley
Мобы х3 к НР.

Spellbook: Curse Death Link
Unicorn Elder (55) Unicorn Passive 1 1.34%
Моб расположен на втором этаже (уровне) Enchanted Valley
Мобы х3 к НР.

Spellbook: Aura Flash

Покупается у традера Natasha в Руне.
Количество ограничено, иногда ее может не быть. Подождите.
Респ книги 2 часа.

Spellbook: Aura Symphony
Spellbook: Demon Wind

Innersen (60) Innersen location on the map Aggressive 1 1/313

Моб на северо-востоке от Орена между Энчат Валеем и рекой.
Те, кого гнала жадность, мертвы. Те, кто лишь защищался, мертвы. Те, кого вела дурацкая гордыня, мертвы. Те, в ком говорил инстинкт самосохранения, мертвы. Выжили лишь те, кого вело сквозь все это неизъяснимое блаженство изысканного коварства.
Gromph вне форума  

Старый 02.11.2013, 01:51 По умолчанию
Elder 45 Lv.
Аватар для Molly
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Адрес: * Космос *
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Написали бы полный гайд по книгам лучше :)
*Все когда то кончается...кроме любви*
Molly вне форума  

Старый 02.11.2013, 01:57 По умолчанию
Newbie 5 Lv.
Аватар для Gromph
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Сообщение от Molly Посмотреть сообщение
Написали бы полный гайд по книгам лучше :)
По всем ?
Те, кого гнала жадность, мертвы. Те, кто лишь защищался, мертвы. Те, кого вела дурацкая гордыня, мертвы. Те, в ком говорил инстинкт самосохранения, мертвы. Выжили лишь те, кого вело сквозь все это неизъяснимое блаженство изысканного коварства.
Gromph вне форума  

Старый 02.11.2013, 13:40 По умолчанию
Vassal 10 Lv.
Аватар для SweetDreams
Регистрация: 03.04.2013
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Поблагодарили 23 раз(а) в 11 сообщениях
Bishop- Spellbook: Celestial Shield- Celestial Shield
Bishop- Spellbook: Prayer -Prayer- Sepulcher Sage - 62 - Ascetics Necropolis
Bishop- Spellbook: Greater Heal- Greater Heal- Manashen Gargoyle - 40 - Crater of Ivory Tower
Bishop- Spellbook: Restore Life -Restore Life -Manashen Gargoyle - 40 - Crater of Ivory Tower
Bishop- Spellbook: Greater Battle Heal- Greater Battle Heal- Enchanted Monstereye - 41 - Crater of Ivory Tower
Bishop- Spellbook: Greater Group Heal- Greater Group Heal- Enchanted Stone Golem - 42 - Crater of Ivory Tower
Bishop- Spellbook: Might of Heaven- Might of Heaven -Enchanted Gargoyle - 44 - Crater of Ivory Tower
Bishop- Spellbook: Requiem -Requiem -Enchanted Gargoyle - 44 - Crater of Ivory Tower
Bishop- Spellbook: Benediction- Benediction -Spiteful Soul Leader - 65 - Devastated Castle
Bishop- Spellbook: Erase -Erase -Elder Lost Watcher - 54 Frozen Labyrinth
Bishop- Spellbook: Magical Backfire- Magical Backfire- Elder Lost Watcher - 54 - Frozen Labyrinth
Bishop- Spellbook: Trance -Trance- Massive Maze Bandersnatch - 54 - Frozen Labyrinth
Bishop- Spellbook: Major Heal- Major Heal -Lost Gargoyle Youngling - 56 -Frozen Labyrinth
Bishop- Spellbook: Mana Burn- Mana Burn -Lost Gargoyle Youngling - 56 - Frozen Labyrinth
Bishop- Spellbook: Turn Undead- Turn Undead -Panthera - 56 - Frozen Labyrinth
Bishop- Spellbook: Mana Storm- Mana Storm -Frost Yeti - 63 - Frozen Labyrinth
Bishop- Spellbook: Mass Resurrection- Mass Resurrection- Hatar Hanishee - 49 - Plains of Fierce Battle
Bishop- Spellbook: Invocation- Invocation- Purchased Purchased from Ivory Tower
Bishop- Spellbook: Body of Avatar- Body of Avatar -Unicorn - 49 - The Enchanted Valley
Bishop- Spellbook: Repose- Repose - Unicorn -49 - The Enchanted Valley
Bishop- Spellbook: Purify -Purify -Forest Runner - 50 - The Enchanted Valley
Bishop- Spellbook: Hold Undead- Hold Undead- Valley Treant Elder - 53 -The Enchanted Valley
Bishop- Spellbook: Vitalize- Vitalize- Valley Treant Elder - 53 - The Enchanted Valley
Bladedancer- Spellbook: Hex- Hex -Enchanted Monstereye - 41 - Crater of Ivory Tower
Cardinal- Spellbook: Divine Power- Divine Power
Cardinal- Spellbook: Divine Protection- Divine Protection- Tomb Preacher - 77 - Catacomb of the Forbidden Path, Catacomb of Dark Omens
Cardinal- Spellbook: Balance Life- Balance Life -Lilim Slayer - 75 -Disciples Necropolis, Saints Necropolis, Catacomb of Dark Omens
Cardinal- Spellbook: Mass Block Shield- Mass Block Shield- Ketra Orc Shaman - 79 - Ketra Orc Outpost
Cardinal- Spellbook: Mass Block Wind Walk- Mass Block Wind Walk- Ketra Orc Shaman - 79 - Ketra Orc Outpost
Cardinal- Spellbook: Salvation- Salvation- Ornithomimus - 80 - Prime_v_a_l Isle
Cardinal- Spellbook: Cleanse -Cleanse -Pterosaur - 87 - Prime_v_a_l Isle
Dark Avenger- Spellbook: Life Scavenge- Life Scavenge- Manashen Gargoyle - 40 - Crater of Ivory Tower
Dark Avenger- Spellbook: Reflect Damage- Reflect Damage- Enchanted Monstereye - 41 - Crater of Ivory Tower
Dark Avenger- Spellbook: Summon Dark Panther- Summon Dark Panther -Enchanted Stone Golem 42 Crater of Ivory Tower
Dark Avenger- Spellbook: Hamstring -Hamstring- Saytr - 48 - The Enchanted Valley
Dark Avenger -Spellbook: Iron Will -Iron Will -Saytr - 48 - The Enchanted Valley
Dark Avenger- Spellbook: Horror -Horror -Liele Elder - 52 - The Enchanted Valley
Dark Avenger- Spellbook: Corpse Plague- Corpse Plague Valley Treant Elder - 53 - The Enchanted Valley
Dominator- Amulet: Victories of Pa'agrio- Victories of Pa'agrio Ornithomimus - 80 - Prime_v_a_l Isle
Elemental Master- Spellbook: Warrior Bane- Warrior Bane -Lesser Ancient Shaman -76 - Saints Necropolis, Catacomb of the Forbidden Path, Catacomb of Dark Omens
Elemental Master- Spellbook: Final Servitor -Final Servitor- Forgotten Ancient People - 77 - Silent Valley
Elemental Master- Spellbook: Wizard Servitor- Wizard Servitor- Forgotten Ancient People - 77 - Silent Valley-
Elemental Master- Spellbook: Summon Magnus the Unicorn- Summon Magnus the Unicorn
Elemental Summoner- Spellbook: Summon Unicorn Merrow- Summon Unicorn Merrow -Liangma - 49 - 2nd Floor Cruma Tower
Elemental Summoner- Spellbook: Summon Aqua Cubic- Summon Aqua Cubic- Hatu Windus - 40 - Bee Hive
Elemental Summoner- Spellbook: Servitor Blessing- Servitor Blessing -Cyrpt Sage - 62 - Catacomb of the Witch
Elemental Summoner -Spellbook: Summon Storm Cubic- Summon Storm Cubic -Manashen Gargoyle - 40 - Crater of Ivory Tower
Elemental Summoner -Spellbook: Summon Unicorn Seraphim- Summon Unicorn Seraphim -Farhite - 39 - Field of Whispers, Alligator Beach
Elemental Summoner- Spellbook: Betray- Betray- Massive Maze Bandersnatch - 54 - Frozen Labyrinth
Elemental Summoner- Spellbook: Mass Surrender to Water- Mass Surrender to Water- Frost Tarantula - 58 - Frozen Labyrinth
Elemental Summoner- Spellbook: Summon Mass Aqua Cubic- Summon Mass Aqua Cubic- Gigant Raider - 39 - Heretic Catacombs, Pilgrims Necropolis
Elemental Summoner- Spellbook: Summon Friend -Summon Friend Purchased - Purchased from Ivory Tower
Elemental Summoner- Spellbook: Transfer Pain -Transfer Pain -Giant Fungus - 40 - Sea of Spores
Elemental Summoner- Spellbook: Servitor Physical Shield -Servitor Physical Shield- Liele - 46 - The Enchanted Valley
Elemental Summoner- Spellbook: Summon Life Cubic- Summon Life Cubic -Saytr - - 48 - The Enchanted Valley
Elemental Summoner- Spellbook: Servitor Haste- Servitor Haste -Fline Elder - 51 - The Enchanted Valley
Elemental Summoner- Spellbook: Servitor Magic Shield- Servitor Magic Shield -Fline Elder - 51 - The Enchanted Valley
Elemental Summoner- Spellbook: Servitor Cure -Servitor Cure- Vault Priest - 47 - Worshipers Necropolis
Elemental Summoner -Spellbook: Servitor Empower -Servitor Empower -Vault Priest - 47 - Worshipers Necropolis
Elven Elder- Spellbook: Advanced Block -Advanced Block -Hell Keeper Medusa - 58 - Catacomb of the Apostate, Patriots Necropolis
Elven Elder- Spellbook: Wild Magic -Wild Magic- Cyrpt Sage - 62 - Catacomb of the Witch
Elven Elder- Spellbook: Greater Heal- Greater Heal -Manashen Gargoyle - 40 - Crater of Ivory Tower
Elven Elder- Spellbook: Resist Shock- Resist Shock -Enchanted Monstereye - 41 - Crater of Ivory Tower
Elven Elder- Spellbook: Might of Heaven- Might of Heaven -Enchanted Gargoyle - 44 - Crater of Ivory Tower
Elven Elder- Spellbook: Erase -Erase- Elder Lost Watcher - 54 - Frozen Labyrinth
Elven Elder- Spellbook: Trance- Trance -Massive Maze Bandersnatch - 54 - Frozen Labyrinth
Elven Elder- Spellbook: Mana Burn- Mana Burn- Lost Gargoyle Youngling - 56 - Frozen Labyrinth
Elven Elder- Spellbook: Turn Undead- Turn Undead -Panthera - 56 - Frozen Labyrinth
Elven Elder- Spellbook: Unholy Resistance- Unholy Resistance- Ursus - 62 - Frozen Labyrinth
Elven Elder- Spellbook: Clarity -Clarity- Frost Yeti 63 Frozen Labyrinth
Elven Elder- Spellbook: Serenade of Eva - Serenade of Eva -Water Giant - 45 - Garden of Eva
Elven Elder- Spellbook: Party Return- Party Return -Hatar Hanishee - 49 - Plains of Fierce Battle
Elven Elder- Spellbook: Invocation -Invocation -Purchased -Purchased from Ivory Tower
Elven Elder- Spellbook: Return -Return -Liele - 46 - The Enchanted Valley
Elven Elder- Spellbook: Bless Shield- Bless Shield -Valley Treant - 47 - The Enchanted Valley
Elven Elder- Spellbook: Vitalize -Vitalize- Valley Treant Elder - 53 - The Enchanted Valley
Eva's Saint- Spellbook: Arcane Protection -Arcane Protection- Tomb Preacher - 77 - Catacomb of the Forbidden Path, Catacomb of Dark Omens
Eva's Saint- Spellbook: Divine Protection -Divine Protection- Tomb Preacher - 77 - Catacomb of the Forbidden Path, Catacomb of Dark Omens
Eva's Saint- Spellbook: Prophecy of Water- Prophecy of Water -Lilim Greater Mystic - 78 - Disciples Necropolis, Saints Necropolis, Catacomb of the Forbidden Path, Catacomb of Dark Omens
Eva's Saint- Spellbook: Block Wind Walk- Block Wind Walk- Ketra Orc Shaman - 79 - Ketra Orc Outpost
Eva's Saint -Spellbook: Mana Gain- Mana Gain
Heirophant- Spellbook: Elemental Protection- Elemental Protection- Tomb Preacher - 77 - Catacomb of the Forbidden Path, Catacomb of Dark Omens
Heirophant- Spellbook: Prophecy of Fire- Prophecy of Fire- Lilim Greater Mystic - 78 - Disciples Necropolis, Saints Necropolis, Catacomb of the Forbidden Path, Catacomb of Dark Omens
Heirophant -Spellbook: Block Shield- Block Shield -Ketra Orc Shaman - 79 - Ketra Orc Outpost
Heirophant -Spellbook: Block Wind Walk- Block Wind Walk - Ketra Orc Shaman -79 - Ketra Orc Outpost
Heirophant- Spellbook: Mystic Immunity- Mystic Immunity- Deinonychus - 80 -Prime_v_a_l Isle
Heirophant- Spellbook: Spell Turning -Spell Turning- Pachycephalosaurus - 80 - Prime_v_a_l Isle
Mystic Muse- Spellbook: Ice Vortex Crusher- Ice Vortex Crusher
Mystic Muse- Spellbook: Arcane Chaos- Arcane Chaos - Tomb Guard - 75 - Catacomb of the Forbidden Path, Catacomb of Dark Omens
Mystic Muse -Spellbook: Ice Vortex -Ice Vortex -Hot Springs Nepenthes - 75 - Hot Springs
Mystic Muse- Spellbook: Light Vortex -Light Vortex- Hot Springs Nepenthes - 75 - Hot Springs
Mystic Muse- Spellbook: Throne of Ice T-hrone of Ice -Kleopeora - 80 - Isle of Prayer
Mystic Muse -Spellbook: Diamond Dust- Diamond Dust
Necromancer- Spellbook: Mass Slow -Mass Slow- Crypt Sage - 62 - Catacomb of the Witch
Necromancer- Spellbook: Summon Corrupted Man- Summon Corrupted Man- Enchanted Stone Golem - 42 Crater of Ivory Tower
Necromancer -Spellbook: Curse Discord- Curse Discord- Enchanted Iron Golem - 43 - Crater of Ivory Tower
Necromancer- Spellbook: Curse Fear- Curse Fear- Enchanted Iron Golem - 43 - Crater of Ivory Tower
Necromancer- Spellbook: Silence- Silence - Enchanted Iron Golem - 43 - Crater of Ivory Tower
Necromancer -Spellbook: Vampiric Claw- Vampiric Claw - Enchanted Gargoyle - 44 - Crater of Ivory Tower
Necromancer- Spellbook: Curse Disease- Curse Disease - Dismal Pole - 58 - Devastated Castle
Necromancer- Spellbook: Mass Curse Fear- Mass Curse Fear -Pronghorn - 57 - Frozen Labyrinth
Necromancer- Spellbook: Mass Curse Gloom- Mass Curse Gloom- Pronghorn - 57 - Frozen Labyrinth
Necromancer- Spellbook: Summon Cursed Man- Summon Cursed Man- Grave Keeper Dark Horror 40 Heretic Catacombs, Pilgrims Necropolis
Necromancer -Spellbook: Curse Gloom- Curse Gloom- Lakin - 44 - Hunter's Valley
Necromancer- Spellbook: Summon Reanimated Man- Summon Reanimated Man -Saytr - 48 - The Enchanted Valley
Necromancer- Spellbook: Anchor -Anchor Unicorn - 49 - The Enchanted Valley
Necromancer- Spellbook: Death Spike- Death Spike Unicorn - 49 - The Enchanted Valley
Necromancer- Spellbook: Forget -Forget Unicorn - 49 - The Enchanted Valley
Necromancer- Spellbook: Corpse Burst Corpse Burst- Valley Treant Elder -53 - The Enchanted Valley
Necromancer- Spellbook: Curse Death Link- Curse Death Link- Unicorn Elder - 55 - The Enchanted Valley
Overlord- Amulet: Honor of Paagrio- Honor of Paagrio -Sepulcher Sage - 62 - Ascetics Necropolis
Overlord -Amulet: Ritual of Paagrio- Ritual of Paagrio- Hell Keeper Medusa - 58 - Catacomb of the Apostate, Patriots Necropolis
Overlord -Amulet: Speed of Paagrio -Speed of Paagrio - Dismal Pole - 58 - Devastated Castle
Overlord- Amulet: Soul Guard -Soul Guard- Water Giant - 45 - Garden of Eva
Overlord- Amulet: Rage of Paagrio- Rage of Paagrio - Lakin - 44 - Hunter's Valley
Overlord- Amulet: Tact of Paagrio -Tact of Paagrio- Giant Fungus - 40 - Sea of Spores
Overlord- Amulet: Glory of Paagrio- Glory of Paagrio -Timak Orc - 40 - Timak Outpost
Overlord- Amulet: Seal of Winter -Seal of Winter- Timak Orc - 40 - Timak Outpost
Overlord- Amulet: Wisdom of Paagrio- Wisdom of Paagrio- Timak Orc - 40 - Timak Outpost
Overlord- Amulet: Seal of Suspension- Seal of Suspension- Timak Orc Archer - 41 - Timak Outpost
Overlord- Amulet: Shield of Paagrio- Shield of Paagriо - Timak Orc Archer - 41 - Timak Outpost
Overlord- Amulet: Seal of Gloom- Seal of Gloom - Timak Orc Soldier - 42 - Timak Outpost
Overlord- Amulet: Seal of Mirage- Seal of Mirage - Timak Orc Warrior - 43 - Timak Outpost
Overlord- Amulet: Sight of Paagrio- Sight of Paagrio - Timak Orc Warrior - 43 - Timak Outpost
Overlord- Amulet: Seal of Flame- Seal of Flame - Timak Orc Shaman - 44 - Timak Outpost
Overlord- Amulet: Seal of Silence- Seal of Silence - Timak Orc Shaman - 44 - Timak Outpost
Overlord- Amulet: Seal of Scourge- Seal of Scourge - Timak Orc Overlord - 45 - Timak Outpost
Overlord- Amulet: Heart of Paagrio -Heart of Paagrio -Wishing Potion Quest - 30 - West of Ivory Tower
Paladin- Spellbook: Holy Blessing- Holy Blessing -Enchanted Stone Golem - 42 - Crater of Ivory Tower
Paladin- Spellbook: Remedy -Remedy- Enchanted Iron Golem - 43 - Crater of Ivory Tower
Paladin- Spellbook: Iron Will- Iron Will - Saytr - 48 - The Enchanted Valley
Paladin- Spellbook:Holy Strike- Holy Strike- Liele Elder - 52 - The Enchanted Valley
Paladin- Spellbook: Sacrifice -Sacrifice - Unicorn Elder - 55 - The Enchanted Valley
Phantom Ranger- Spellbook: Hex- Hex- Enchanted Monstereye - 41 - Crater of Ivory Tower
Phantom Summoner- Spellbook: Summon Souless -Summon Souless - Liangma - 49 - 2nd Floor Cruma Tower
Phantom Summoner- Spellbook: Summon Spark Cubic -Summon Spark Cubic- Hatu Windus - 40 - Bee Hive
Phantom Summoner- Spellbook: Servitor Blessing- Servitor Blessing - Cyrpt Sage - 62 - Catacomb of the Witch
Phantom Summoner- Spellbook: Summon -Phantom Cubic- Summon Phantom Cubic -Manashen Gargoyle - 40 - Crater of Ivory Tower
Phantom Summoner- Spellbook: Betray -Betray - Massive Maze Bandersnatch - 54 - Frozen Labyrinth
Phantom Summoner- Spellbook: Mass Surrender to Wind- Mass Surrender to Wind - Frost Iron Golem - 59 - Frozen Labyrinth
Phantom Summoner- Spellbook: Summon Mass Poltergeist Cubic- Summon Mass Poltergeist Cubic - Gigant Raider - 39 - Heretic Catacombs, Pilgrims Necropolis
Phantom Summoner- Spellbook: Summon Nightshade- Summon Nightshade - Grave Keeper Dark Horror - 40 - Heretic Catacombs, Pilgrims Necropolis
Phantom Summoner- Spellbook: Summon Friend- Summon Friend - Purchased Purchased from Ivory Tower
Phantom Summoner -Spellbook: Transfer Pain- Transfer Pain- Giant Fungus - 40 - Sea of Spores
Phantom Summoner -Spellbook: Servitor Physical Shield- Servitor Physical Shield - Liele - 46 - The Enchanted Valley
Phantom Summoner -Spellbook: Servitor Haste- Servitor Haste - Fline Elder - 51 - The Enchanted Valley
Phantom Summoner -Spellbook: Servitor Magic Shield -Servitor Magic Shield -Fline Elder - 51 - The Enchanted Valley
Phantom Summoner- Spellbook: Servitor Cure Servitor -Cure- Vault Priest - 47 - Worshipers Necropolis
Phantom Summoner -Spellbook: Servitor Empower -Servitor Empower- Vault Priest - 47 - Worshipers Necropolis
Phoenix Knight- Spellbook: Soul of the Phoenix- Soul of the Phoenix - Velociraptor - 86 - Prime_v_a_l Isle
Plainswalker- Spellbook: Spirit Barrier -Spirit Barrier - Enchanted Monstereye - 41 - Crater of Ivory Tower
Prophet- Spellbook: Erase -Erase Elder - Lost Watcher - 54 - Frozen Labyrinth
Prophet- Spellbook: Mana Burn- Mana Burn - Lost Gargoyle Youngling - 56 - Frozen Labyrinth
Prophet -Spellbook: Greater Might- Greater Might - Frost Iron Golem - 59 - Frozen Labyrinth
Prophet- Spellbook: Greater Shield- Greater Shield - Frost Buffalo - 61 - Frozen Labyrinth
Prophet -Spellbook: Holy Resistance- Holy Resistance - Ursus - 62 - Frozen Labyrinth
Prophet -Spellbook: Unholy Resistance -Unholy Resistance - Ursus - 62 - Frozen Labyrinth
Prophet- Spellbook: Word of Fear -Word of Fear - Water Giant - 45 - Garden of Eva
Prophet- Spellbook: Invigor- Invigor - Liele - 46 - The Enchanted Valley
Prophet -Spellbook: Return -Return - Liele 46 The Enchanted Valley
Prophet -Spellbook: Bless Shield- Bless Shield - Valley Treant - 47 - The Enchanted Valley
Prophet -Spellbook: Death Whisper- Death Whisper - Valley Treant - 47 - The Enchanted Valley
Prophet -Spellbook: Guidance- Guidance -Valley Treant - 47 - The Enchanted Valley
Prophet- Spellbook: Bless the Body- Bless the Body - Fline Elder - 51 - The Enchanted Valley
Prophet -Spellbook: Magic Barrier- Magic Barrier - Fline Elder - 51 - The Enchanted Valley
Prophet- Spellbook: Bless the Soul- Bless the Soul - Liele Elder - 52 - The Enchanted Valley
Prophet- Spellbook: Haste- Haste - Liele Elder - 52 - The Enchanted Valley
Shillien Elder- Spellbook: Wild Magic- Wild Magic - Cyrpt Sage - 62 - Catacomb of the Witch
Shillien Elder- Spellbook: Greater Heal- Greater Heal -Manashen Gargoyle - 40 - Crater of Ivory Tower
Shillien Elder- Spellbook: Greater Group Heal -Greater Group Heal - Enchanted Stone Golem - 42 - Crater of Ivory Tower
Shillien Elder -Spellbook: Erase- Erase - Elder Lost Watcher - 54 - Frozen Labyrinth
Shillien Elder -Spellbook: Mana Burn -Mana Burn - Lost Gargoyle Youngling - 56 - Frozen Labyrinth
Shillien Elder- Spellbook: Invocation -Invocation - Purchased - Purchased from Ivory Tower
Shillien Elder- Spellbook: Death Whisper- Death Whisper - Valley Treant - 47 - The Enchanted Valley
Shillien Elder- Spellbook: Guidance- Guidance - Valley Treant - 47 - The Enchanted Valley
Shillien Elder- Spellbook: Purify Purify - Forest Runner - 50 - The Enchanted Valley
Shillien Knight -Spellbook: Summon Phantom Cubic -Summon Phantom Cubic -Manashen Gargoyle - 40 Crater of Ivory Tower
Shillien Knight -Spellbook: Hex -Hex -Enchanted Monstereye - 41 - Crater of Ivory Tower
Shillien Knight -Spellbook: Life Leech- Life Leech - Giant Fungus - 40 - Sea of Spores
Shillien Knight -Spellbook: Summon Vamperic Cubic -Summon Vampiric Cubic - Valley Treant - 47 - The Enchanted Valley
Shillien Knight- Spellbook: Corpse Plague- Corpse Plague - Valley Treant Elder - 53 - The Enchanted Valley
Shillien Knight- Spellbook: Summon Viper Cubic- Summon Viper - Cubic Saytr Elder - 54 - The Enchanted Valley
Shillien Knight- Spellbook: Lightening Strike -Lightening Strike - Unicorn Elder - 55 - The Enchanted Valley
Shillien Saint- Spellbook: Arcane Protection -Arcane Protection - Tomb Preacher - 77 - Catacomb of the Forbidden Path, Catacomb of Dark Omens
Shillien Saint- Spellbook: Prophecy of Wind- Prophecy of Wind - Lilim Greater Mystic - 78 - Disciples Necropolis, Saints Necropolis, Catacomb of the Forbidden Path, Catacomb of Dark Omens
Shillien Saint- Spellbook: Block Shield- Block Shield - Ketra Orc Shaman - 79 - Ketra Orc Outpost
Shillien Saint- Spellbook: Mana Gain- Mana Gain
Silver Ranger- Spellbook: Spirit Barrier- Spirit Barrier - Enchanted Monstereye - 41 - Crater of Ivory Tower
Sorcerer- Spellbook: Rain of Fire- Rain of Fire - Hell Keeper Medusa - 58 - Catacomb of the Apostate, Patriots Necropolis
Sorcerer- Spellbook: Surrender to Wind- Surrender to Wind - Enchanted Gargoyle - 44 - Crater of Ivory Tower
Sorcerer- Spellbook: Aura Flar-e - Aura Flare -Shackle - 45 - Dragon Valley, Crater of Ivory Tower
Sorcerer- Spellbook: Blazing Circle -Blazing Circle -Shackle - 45 - Dragon Valley, Crater of Ivory Tower
Sorcerer- Spellbook: Blazing Skin -Blazing Skin - Shackle - 45 - Dragon Valley, Crater of Ivory Tower
Sorcerer- Spellbook: Prominence- Prominence - Shackle - 45 Dragon Valley, Crater of Ivory Tower
Sorcerer- Spellbook: Seed of Fire -Seed of Fire - Fallen Orc Captain - 60 - Forsaken Plains
Sorcerer- Spellbook: Elemental Assault- Elemental Assault - Gamlin - 60 - Giant's Cave
Sorcerer- Spellbook: Aura Symphony- Aura Symphony - Innersen - 60 - Skyshadow Meadow
Sorcerer- Spellbook: Inferno -Inferno Innersen - 60 - Skyshadow Meadow
Sorcerer- Spellbook: Sleeping Cloud- Sleeping Cloud - Forest Runner - 50 - The Enchanted Valley
Sorcerer -Spellbook: Cancel- Cancel - Saytr Elder - 54 - The Enchanted Valley
Sorcerer -Spellbook: Decay- Decay - Saytr Elder - 54 - The Enchanted Valley
Soultaker- Spellbook: Arcane Power -Arcane Power - 78
Soultaker- Spellbook: Curse of Abyss -Curse of Abyss - Tomb Guard - 75 - Catacomb of the Forbidden Path, Catacomb of Dark Omens
Soultaker- Spellbook: Curse of Doom- Curse of Doom - Tomb Guard - 75 - Catacomb of the Forbidden Path, Catacomb of Dark Omens
Soultaker- Spellbook: Dark Vortex- Dark Vortex - Hot Springs Nepenthes - 75 - Hot Springs
Soultaker- Spellbook: Mass Mage Bane -Mass Mage Bane - Lesser Ancient Shaman - 76 - Saints Necropolis, Catacomb of the Forbidden Path, Catacomb of Dark Omens
Soultaker- Spellbook: Mass Warrior Bane -Mass Warrior Bane - Lesser Ancient Shaman - 76 - Saints Necropolis, Catacomb of the Forbidden Path, Catacomb of Dark Omens
Spectral Master- Spellbook: Mage Bane- Mage Bane - Lesser Ancient Shaman - 76 - Saints Necropolis, Catacomb of the Forbidden Path, Catacomb of Dark Omens
Spectral Master- Spellbook: Assassin Servitor- Assassin Servitor Forgotten Ancient People - 77 - Silent Valley -
Spectral Master- Spellbook: Final Servitor- Final Servitor - Forgotten Ancient People - 77 - Silent Valley
Spellhowler- Spellbook: Silence- Silence - Enchanted Iron Golem - 43 - Crater of Ivory Tower
Spellhowler- Spellbook: Surrender to Wind -Surrender to Wind - Enchanted Gargoyle - 44 - Crater of Ivory Tower
Spellhowler- Spellbook: Vampiric Claw- Vampiric Claw - Enchanted Gargoyle - 44 - Crater of Ivory Tower
Spellhowler- Spellbook: Seed of Wind- Seed of Wind - Fallen Orc Captain - 60 - Forsaken Plains
Spellhowler- Spellbook: Elemental Storm- Elemental Storm - Gamlin - 60 - Giant's Cave
Spellhowler- Spellbook: Aura Symphony -Aura Symphony - Innersen - 60 - Skyshadow Meadow
Spellhowler- Spellbook: Demon Wind- Demon Wind - Innersen - 60 - Skyshadow Meadow
Spellhowler- Spellbook: Shadow Flare- Shadow Flare - Nightmare Guide - 43 - Tanor Canyon
Spellhowler- Spellbook: Hurricane- Hurricane - Liele - 46 - The Enchanted Valley
Spellhowler- Spellbook: Death Spike -Death Spike - Unicorn - 49 - The Enchanted Valley
Spellhowler- Spellbook: Tempest- Tempest - Saytr Elder - 54 - The Enchanted Valley
Spellhowler- Spellbook: Curse Death Link -Curse Death Link - Unicorn Elder - 55 - The Enchanted Valley
Spellsinger- Spellbook: Aqua Splash -Aqua Splash - Hell Keeper Medusa - 58 - Catacomb of the Apostate, Patriots Necropolis
Spellsinger- Spellbook: Aura Flare -Aura Flare - Shackle - 45 - Dragon Valley, Crater of Ivory Tower
Spellsinger- Spellbook: Seed of Water -Seed of Water - Fallen Orc Captain - 60 - Forsaken Plains
Spellsinger -Spellbook: Elemental Symphony -Elemental Symphony - Gamlin - 60 - Giant's Cave
Spellsinger- Spellbook: Mana Regeneration -Mana Regeneration - Lakin - 44 - Hunter's Valley
Spellsinger- Spellbook: Aura Symphony -Aura Symphony- Innersen - 60 - Skyshadow Meadow
Spellsinger- Spellbook: Bizzard -Blizzard - Innersen - 60 - Skyshadow Meadow
Spellsinger- Spellbook: Aura Bolt -Aura Bolt - Nightmare Guide - 43 - Tanor Canyon
Spellsinger- Spellbook: Solar Flare- Solar Flare - Nightmare Guide - 43 - Tanor Canyon
Spellsinger- Spellbook: Freezing Skin -Freezing Skin - Fline - 45 - The Enchanted Valley
Spellsinger- Spellbook: Frost Bolt -Frost Bolt - Fline - 45 - The Enchanted Valley
Spellsinger- Spellbook: Hydroblast -Hydroblast - Fline - 45 - The Enchanted Valley
Spellsinger- Spellbook: Surrender to Water -Surrender to Water - Fline - 45 - The Enchanted Valley
Spellsinger -Spellbook: Freezing Shackle -Freezing Shackle - Forest Runner - 50 - The Enchanted Valley
Spellsinger- Spellbook: Ice Dagger- Ice Dagger - Forest Runner - 50 - The Enchanted Valley
Spellsinger- Spellbook: Sleeping Cloud -Sleeping Cloud - Forest Runner - 50 - The Enchanted Valley
Spellsinger- Spellbook: Frost Wall- Frost Wall - Unicorn Elder - 55 - The Enchanted Valley
Storm Screamer- Spellbook: Arcane Power- Arcane Power
Storm Screamer -Spellbook: Arcane Chaos- Arcane Chaos - Tomb Guard - 75 - Catacomb of the Forbidden Path, Catacomb of Dark Omens
Storm Screamer - Spellbook: Dark Vortex- Dark Vortex - Hot Springs Nepenthes - 75 - Hot Springs
Storm Screamer- Spellbook: Wind Vortex- Wind Vortex - Hot Springs Nepenthes - 75 - Hot Springs
Storm Screamer - Spellbook: Wind Vortex Slug- Wind Vortex Slug - Sonneratia - 82 - Isle of Prayer
Storm Screamer -Spellbook: Empowering Echo- Empowering Echo
Storm Screamer - Spellbook: Throne of Wind -Throne of Wind
Swordsinger Spellbook: Spirit Barrier -Spirit Barrier - Enchanted Monstereye - 41 - Crater of Ivory Tower
Temple Knight -Spellbook: Summon Storm Cubic- Summon Storm Cubic - Manashen Gargoyle - 40 - Crater of Ivory Tower
Temple Knight -Spellbook: Spirit Barrier- Spirit Barrier - Enchanted Monstereye -41 - Crater of Ivory Tower
Temple Knight -Spellbook: Summon Attractive Cubic- Summon Attractive Cubic - Kadios - 62 - Forbbiden Gateway, Cemetary
Temple Knight- Spellbook: Summon Life Cubic- Summon Life Cubic - Saytr - 48 - The Enchanted Valley
Trickster -Battle Manual: Arcane Power- Arcane Power - 78 -
Trickster -Battle Manual: Prahnah- Prahnah - Naiad - 81 - Isle of Prayer
Trickster -Battle Manual: Final Form -Final Form - Sonneratia - 82 - Isle of Prayer
Warcryer -Amulet: War Chant- War Chant - Frost Buffalo - 61 Frozen Labyrinth
Warcryer -Amulet: Chant of Predator- Chant of Predator - Valley Treant - 47 - The Enchanted Valley
Warcryer -Amulet: Chant of Eagle -Chant of Eagle - Satyr - 48 - The Enchanted Valley
Warcryer -Amulet: Steal Essence -Steal Essence - Timak Orc Archer - 41 - Timak Outpost
Warcryer -Amulet: Chant of Evasion -Chant of Evasion - Timak Orc Soldier - 42 - Timak Outpost
Warcryer -Amulet: Freezing Flame -Freezing Flame - Timak Orc Soldier - 42 - Timak Outpost
Warcryer -Amulet: Chant of Rage -Chant of Rage - Timak Orc Warrior - 43 - Timak Outpost
Warcryer -Amulet: Chant of Vampire- Chant of Vampire - Timak Orc Shaman - 44 - Timak Outpost
Warcryer -Amulet: Chant of Fury- Chant of Fury - Timak Orc Overlord - 45 - Timak Outpost
Warcryer -Amulet: Chant of Revenge- Chant of Revenge -Crendion - 62 - Tower of Insolence
Warlock- Spellbook: Summon Kai the Cat -Summon Kai the Cat - Liangma - 49 - 2nd Floor Cruma Tower
Warlock- Spellbook: Summon Binding Cubic- Summon Binding Cubic - Hatu Windus - 40 - Bee Hive
Warlock- Spellbook: Servitor Blessing -Servitor Blessing - Cyrpt Sage - 62 - Catacomb of the Witch
Warlock -Spellbook: Summon Queen of Cat -Summon Queen of Cat - Farhite - 39 - Field of Whispers, Alligator Beach
Warlock -Spellbook: Betray -Betray - Massive Maze Bandersnatch - 54 - Frozen Labyrinth
Warlock- Spellbook: Arcane Disruption- Arcane Disruption - Panthera - 56 - Frozen Labyrinth
Warlock- Spellbook: Mass Surrender to Fire- Mass Surrender to Fire - Frost Tarantula - 58 - Frozen Labyrinth
Warlock- Spellbook: Summon Mass Storm Cubic -Summon Mass Storm Cubic - Gigant Raider - 39 - Heretic Catacombs, Pilgrims Necropolis
Warlock -Spellbook: Summon Friend -Summon Friend Purchased - Purchased from Ivory Tower
Warlock -Spellbook: Transfer Pain -Transfer Pain - Giant Fungus - 40 - Sea of Spores
Warlock- Spellbook: Servitor Physical Shield- Servitor Physical Shield - Liele - 46 - The Enchanted Valley
Warlock- Spellbook: Servitor Haste- Servitor Haste - Fline Elder - 51 - The Enchanted Valley
Warlock- Spellbook: Servitor Magic Shield -Servitor Magic Shield - Fline Elder - 51 - The Enchanted Valley
Warlock- Spellbook: Servitor Cure -Servitor Cure - Vault Priest - 47 - Worshipers Necropolis
Warlock -Spellbook: Servitor Empower- Servitor Empower - Vault Priest - 47 - Worshipers Necropolis
Warsmith- Blueprint: Summon Swoop Cannon- Summon Swoop Cannon - Spiteful Soul Leader - 65 - Devastated Castle
Warsmith- Blueprint: Summon Big Boom -Summon Big Boom - Fallen Orc Captain - 58 - Forsaken Plains
Warsmith- Blueprint: Summon Wild Hog Cannon- Summon Wild Hog Cannon - Fallen Orc Captain - 58 - Forsaken Plains
Warsmith- Blueprint: Summon Siege Golem -Summon Siege Golem - Hatar Hanishee - 49 - Plains of Fierce Battle
Arcana Lord- Spellbook: Mage Bane -Mage Bane- Lesser Ancient Shaman - 76 - Saints Necropolis, Catacomb of the Forbidden Path, Catacomb of Dark Omens
Arcana Lord- Spellbook: Warrior Bane -Warrior Bane -Lesser Ancient Shaman - 76 - Saints Necropolis, Catacomb of the Forbidden Path, Catacomb of Dark Omens
Arcana Lord- Spellbook: Final Servitor- Final Servitor- Forgotten Ancient People - 77 - Silent Valley
Arcana Lord- Spellbook: Warrior Servitor- Warrior Servitor -Forgotten Ancient People - 77 - Silent Valley
Archmage- Spellbook: Arcane Chaos- Arcane Chaos- Tomb Guard - 75 - Catacomb of the Forbidden Path, Catacomb of Dark Omens
Archmage- Spellbook: Fire Vortex -Fire Vortex- Hot Springs Nepenthes - 75 - Hot Springs
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